Tjovitjo !! CHUCK TAYLOR KEEPS IT REAL !! #ChuckStories nails the creative campaign on authentic Mzansi stories

The iconic ChuckTaylor have put their best foot forward in their latest “Keeping It Real” global campaign whose creative narrative features #ChuckStories. The South African leg of this refreshing promotion has some very relatable stories which will resonate with the local markets.  The campaign is about feet, so the focus is on shoes. The message? Chuck…

MakeBeautiful + 6Fingaz New Xsê IEC Tv Commercial 2019

MakeBeautiful + 6Fingaz Kick-off this year with a brand new TVC campaign from IEC 2019. The campaign labelled Xse comes with some young appealing visuals from the agency, communicating the importance of registering for this years coming political elections. With a help from Osu Productions, the cinematography of the of the commercial is unprecedented with…