This by far is a photographer orgasm. Shooting New York in Black and White is such a dream come true to any photographer. One is reminded of the first time you were introduced to America from back in the days, whether it was through Santa Barbra or New York times newspapers or Hustler magazine which somehow found their way to South Africas television screens or streets.

The pulse in this place is just unprecedented, one thing for sure is that what mostly makes America is people from outside of this very hated and very loved country in this universe. As a tourist you never feel like a tourist as everyone is carrying a camera, from the real tourist who has a the smallest sony pocket camera to professionals that pull out prime lenses and latest Sony A7iii and Canon D5 Mark III, this is a cesspool of capturing memories because the is no place like it. From the gentrification of Brooklyn ghetto’s to the high sky scrapers on Central Park and lavish high living of 5th avenue, not forgetting those street food culture trucks. This is America.

Dreaming of shooting the subway life has got to be on the bucket list, Trump might say he’s triumphed successfully in boosting the economy than any other president ever, but the realities are real on the D line subway. Almost on all the trains you bound to find someone begging and mostly with story of being an ex marine and they cant find feed thier family. Also we’ve never seen such good looking beggers ever, a white model looking woman would be in the streets with aboard asking financial freedom …i mean huh?

All in all, there’s always a subject to shoot in New York, day or night, it trully enhances your story telling capabilities when you have a camera and every angle is million dollar shot and just works. We will surely be keeping and printing these as one big part of our memories in the land of the free city of dreams.

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