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To incline upwards is the purpose, a ship that this generation has on its shoulders the responsibility to create, to awaken, to heal, to ascend and to give new meaning to, to unshackle manacles to pusha umzabalazo, the creative mzabalazo through story telling. Without bounds, with no fear, more questions, more whys and where’s, more leadership than following, more narrative warping than fixed one-sided stories, more love, more peace. More reasons to the why’s and nothing more beautiful than to be a part of the movement, in spaced out gatherings driven by the same fiery love, passion, drive to a destination

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A creative uprise as a reintroduction to rewrite the faces of freedom of expression, a redefinition of time and a recreation of space. It’s a magnetic field where forces are activated and supercharged to their ultimate flyness, an over standing that a true awakening was a gift every existing human-being was born with but only creative artists have acquired the freedom to express, to interpret it in fun, innovative, and creatively appealing ways which is the voice that Nandos is accelerating to its full potential

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The creatives make the war look cute, waltzing around in the most eccentric looks, on a fucking digital warfare and nobody is going down without a fight. Paintbrushes renamed swords, poetry their shields, and the beats that resemble the inferno produced by their hearts that aims to burn down livestock of taxing systems that caged the minds of all our forefathers and taught them that their thoughts were like the withering leaves that fall from cold seasoned trees. They come as tight as the iced water particles that can’t promise to let go and they are hungry for a revolution and these are the pavings that give lead way to land not yet promised.

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They look to the West for Sunrises and Rest on the East for sunsets, like their alveoli, is a gathering of seeds to a future not yet imagined , an exchange between that and the history that is written but not fixed-her story. “ Amagugu alelizwi ayosala emathuneni ” – like a brother moving on to his next life, holding on to his red balloon-like the bloodshed and tears of that refuse to sink. To experience usisi Zolani on her solo and her interpretation of a riot as tender as she had intended the healing to be yet still as bold as her twists and the colors of her tones.

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The most exciting part of this venture was also being a part of the experience of the live recording in a world-class studio(Flame Studios) which will officially launch in Feb 2021 and the humbling venture that was named a competition for young hot designers that also gave a homely feel to paving solid foundations for the future of the African culture and its expression

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It’s as if they were cloaked with the superpowers to give war a new name, to create new land where theirs was stolen. I can name names and shout praises and they would still fly by deaf ears, this is why the creative uprise movement is here to create visuals for the deaf and make sounds for the blind.

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A creative Uprise like nothing you have ever seen before, the new age of new age kings and queens and new-age systems which take protecting and preserving our heritage to new heights.

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Here’s to a creative uprise, and a new, ever-evolving era of creative freedom.

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Article piece by Dineo Mofokeng

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